4 Review

Review Policy

Dear Creators,

I would love an opportunity to  review your creations! Who wouldn’t? If you would like me to do so, know that it is something you and I are both happy about.

That said, I may not post a piece on your product you send me for review. This could be for many reasons. Let me share some of those reasons, so you  don’t get your feelings hurt or think this is personal. It isn’t.

First and least likely reason, I might not like your product. I tend not to put up negative information on my blog. Just not really my style.  And if the only comments I have are negative, I will choose not to post a review. If I have only have one or two small recommendations, I will most likely go ahead and post and just mention the things I would like to see added or done differently.

Speaking of my style that brings up the more common reason I might not review your product. Your design or product either might not fit into a style I am comfortable wearing, or I might not have the right fit for it in my blog ATM. This doesn’t mean I don’t like your product. Chances are I love it, but the timing is just not right for me. Please don’t send review copies or free copies with the expectation to see it here, even if I love it. I do keep everything I have been given, if there is ever any chance I would use it in a future blog post. That is unless otherwise specified when you provide the copy. If you tell me on the front end you need the item back (i.e. – a true review copy), I am happy to oblige. Otherwise, I frequently will make my favorite pieces permanent components of my wardrobe and make a point to praise designers that I am wearing whenever the opportunity presents itself.

I am in awe of any one who attempts to create in SL. It takes tremendous nerve and courage to put one’s self out there like that and I applaud your efforts. This is true even for the designs that are not to my taste. Keep designing, keep creating, keep sharing your visions of the world because you never know whose life you might influence or improve. I promise to do you justice as well as my viewers by really examining the products that I blog. If you would like feed back I am also willing to share any major issues that I find, if I find any, with you directly and give you the option to make corrections before my review posts.

I should also mention that my blog is not just about clothing, shoes, hair, skins, eyes and all forms of accessories. I aim to share information on locations, venues, events, and experiences. I love reviewing furniture, houses, photography equipment and sets, poses and animations, textures and anything and everything else you can throw at me. If I can use it or experience it in SL I am game to try it. It doesn’t mean that I will post a blog on it, but as I start publishing more and more it becomes more likely. Please share with me information about upcoming releases and events as well. Not only do I love attending them I love being able to share the news with others.

Ok onto other things … Please know that I don’t expect freebies. They are nice, but I have purchased almost every item that I have ever reviewed or used in a review. Again freebies are nice but not necessary. If I am buying the items they will be items that most closely fit my style.

I have my own personal preferences, but prefer to review the items as you feel they represent your best work. SO send me what makes you proud and what you are happy to share.

When providing items for review:

  1. Please send folders.

  2. Please name your folder:
    For Review – Store Name – MM/DD/YY

  3. Please include a notecard with any specific details about the product, your store, release dates, upcoming special events at your store, or anything you need me to know before reviewing and / or posting my review.

  4. Please drop the folder in world on my profile.

These requests make life easier and makes it more likely that I will have the needed review time. I will confirm receipt, as quickly as I can, usually within 48-72 hours. If you think i might not have received your product, please feel free to email me or even IM to confirm that I have received your product. Email is the best choice because IMs frequently are capped so I may miss your IM and you would never know, nor would I. Also I do try to have a normal life (both RL and SL) so please understand this blog is something I do for fun. And there maybe times I don’t post or review products.

Warning Shameless Plug: I model. If you would like me to model for your products or fashion shows, please approach me. If I can make the time you need, I am your girl.

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